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Nancy Giametta (Deceased)
Profile Updated:October 29, 2010
Residing In:
retired from government work
Janine, born 1966, and Michael, born 1967
both married with children
Following graduation from NFA, I graduated from
OCCC in l962. I married Ed D'Addio in l964 and
had two children. Had a few jobs, but retired in
2002 as City Clerk of the City of Newburgh after
l8 years. Kept in touch with a few high school
friends over the years and they are very dear to
me now. MY husband, Ed, died in 2009 after 45 years of marriage.
I wish I knew how many times I rode up and down
Broadway back in the 60's! I remember having
parties at my home on Candlestick Rd. in the Town
of Newburgh when my parents were away on
vacation. (there were probably l00 kids that
showed up) Those were the good old days!!